
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Best Things in Life Are Free

Hello fellow bloggers and blog readers! Been awhile I came on this blog I sadly must say.. The last two times I visited MY poor abandoned blog, it wasn't pleasant.. Anyway I am here on a lighter and pleasant note and from the title of this post you should be able to tell!

Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson knew exactly what they were talking about when they said "the best things in life are free"! I'm beginning to think everyone should have a poster up on their wall which says so! Yesterday I was at the train station waiting for my friends to buy their tickets so we could head to a Ballet, when someone comes up beside me and taps me.. I look down from my elevated height (4 inch purple strap suede shoes) to see a tiny little princess (probably 3 or 4 years old) with her blond hair and her pretty little pink dress smiling at me.. I smile back and try to make out what she's saying when her mum says "she's saying she likes your shoes"! And then I start to smile and say thank you when the princess smiles at me and with arms outstretched and her eyes locked on my shoes says in her cute American accent "I like your shoes"!! I tell you that was the highlight of my day!!! My heart completely melted.. Not because she liked the shoes but because she knew what she liked and she had the courage to say so to a stranger because it would bring her joy! I told her thank you and would have scooped her up and given her a kiss if they were not walking away..

That little act jogged my memory to my thoughts 2 days ago when I thought of my family and wonderful friends and then I said to myself, "the best things in life are free".. They are free because they are so simple and so easy to put smiles on our faces; they cost nothing to receive and nothing to give; they are just free!

It's all about;

The smile of my gorgeous little niece with her big gooey eyes which melts your heart,
The sound of my tiny nephew's voice calling me 'Chika' (which is my twins name and is easier to pronounce than mine)
My mum trying to feed me three meals in one on my recent trip to naija (perhaps she thinks I'm too skinny?")
My twin sending me a blackberry smiley emoticon to say good morning
The inspirational music on my iPad which brings me peace in the midst of a storm
The phone calls from my older sisters who want to know if I'm doing OK in school
The unexpected pleasant gift filled email surprises from my bf 
The messages of appreciation from friends who love me just the way I am

And so on and so forth.. The list is endless but I don't wanna bore you ;).. But you get my drift by now right?!

I'm just happy and I had to share it because happiness is FREE too and should be shared so that we all can truly know and believe that "THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE"!!!


Cheers everyone! Enjoy your life, appreciate the little things and be thankful for the big ones!! Caperdiem!