A child still learning to crawl is limited in movement and in area or territory covered until he learns to walk. Consistently and perhaps painstakingly he pushes on in his quest to conquer new distances and to pick up the colorful toy ahead of him, all the time doing so while crawling on his tiny belly. One day though he realizes its time to take things to the next level and so he jolts himself to his feet and takes a few courageous step forward, while holding the armrest of the chair so his feeble legs do not give way under his weight. He does this for a few more days or weeks or maybe even a month, all the time being encouraged and cheered on lovingly by mum and dad, sometimes falling on his heavily padded butt. Then suddenly, the day arrives when his training is over and he is equipped to move to new grounds. Putting one foot in front of the other he begins to walk from the living room, down the hallway until he gets to mum and dad's room and to their surprise he smiles knowingly because his capacity had been expanded and hence he gained new territory! This is mine and your story in the desire for territory.
The Lord promised the Israelite's that He would take them to new grounds but He knew they did not have the ability and capacity to take the territory He wanted for them. So He told them in verse 29 and 30 that it would take time but the time was dependent on their increase in ability and capacity. Increase in ability and capacity is up to us under the guidance of God's word which has been given to us as a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path.
Ability plus capacity is vital to taking new territory because with new levels come new devils! No one is promoted to MD or CEO without a story of a journey of patience, persistence, hard work and diligence. Often times we pray and make incessant requests of God and while his desire is to grant us all we ask of,though permissible, He knows better than we do that it is not all beneficial.
So ask Him wisely and in accordance to His will,then build yourself up as best as you can with the tools necessary to take the territory you desire, and finally trust Him to do it at the appointed time for everything under the sun has a time and a season.
Lord, teach me to be patient in my desire to take new territory and while doing so, give me the grace and strength to build myself up in line with your word so that when you are ready to give me new territory I may not be found lacking in Jesus name. Amen.
Speaking of territories, I recently took territory and got married to the one whom God destined to be my husband!! ;)..hehehe
Coco C a.k.a Mrs E! ;)