
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desire, dream deferred....

There's a movie called "A StreetCar named Desire".. Weird name for a movie. I can't remember the storyline though. I asked myself what to write about and then i thought "desire".. a strong and passion filled emotion. Desire can leave you lost in an imaginary world. A world where all you want exists at the tip of your fingers. Conjuring images of a life you'd rather have, you experience the highest form of ecstasy. Sensibility and rationalism thrown out the window, passion and lust thrown in.. Its inexplicable. A world where life is perfect, love is divine, stress is gone, and perfection is complete. Daydreams are synonymous with desire, a wish, want, longing... But desire exists in reality and imaginations. The desire for a perfect life in reality is almost fruitless but the desire for a perfect life in imaginations is fruitful, setting you free with reckless abandon to a state of complete pleasure. I've been caught with closed eyes and a smile on my face.. With eyes wide shut to reality and eyes narrowly open to imaginations and desire, i paint pictures in my head of a perfect world. Desire in daydreams replacing reality, we become lost and oblivious of the imperfections around.
 Where and when can desire in an imaginary world translate to fact in a real world? At the point of the horizon. The point of decisions created by a higher being. The end of preparation for the reality of your desires, the completion of the journey of dreams. The horizon, the beginning of a new life,seen from a distance, appreciated in beauty from afar, existing in perfection in desire and complete in reality when the desire teleports from that imaginary world. Its complex.

Desire is a dream deferred.


  1. yep i too have been caught day my own world where everytin was at my fingertips... desire is sure strong..
